I’ve never written a blog. WHAT WAS I THINKING?   For a person who likes to talk as much as I do, I am finding it hard to put my thoughts into writing.  So I suppose my first blog will just be me, telling you why I started my website.  I’ll type out the words as they come to me, like if I’m talking with a friend.  Well, it all started several years ago.  I literally ran away and joined the circus (don’t tell the kids, or they’ll all want to do it)!  I had been living in a small town, full of people that I love.  Recently graduated,  but there wasn’t a lot of job opportunities.  I was working a minimum wage job, with little opportunity for upward advancement.  Life was just kind of standing still and moving fast, all at the same time.  During the spring of 19 something or other (I don’t dare tell you when or I’ll be giving away my age) the circus was coming to town.  In exchange for accompanying some of the residents that stayed at the place where I worked, I was given 2 tickets to see the show.  I hadn’t been to a circus since I was a small child and I was looking forward to some good old fashioned, live entertainment.  I invited my five year old nephew Josh to come along.  The total in our group was around 25 people.  The show would be performing under the big top.   it was pretty warm in the tent.  There were popcorn and snow cone vendors, walking around selling their concessions.  People we entering the tent and looking for a place to sit.  As our group entered we were greeted by the ringmaster and escorted to the area that had been reserved for our group.  Once the show began, I was in awe!  Everyone that performed in the air had my palms sweating and my heart racing.  I wanted to be the girl, high in the air, spinning, twisting and dazzling the crowd.  I was on the edge of my seat for most of the performance.  As soon as one act would finish, I could hardly wait to see what was coming next.  It was such a great experience.  As the show ended and we all headed out, I had the music running through my mind.  My nephew and I were skipping and talking about all the great things we had just witnessed.  I couldn’t get it out of my head.  I thought about the show, that night.  Visions of the beautiful aerial ballerinas running trough my head.  I wanted to do that! COULD I do that?  I can’t recall if I slept at all that night, but what I do recall was that the next morning, I was up and out of the house.  I drove back to the venue where the circus had been.  I wanted to find out how I could be apart of it.